Chitocal Caps

Chitocal Caps

Chitocal forms a polymer with lipid that will not be absorbed & then will be excreted with stools.
Chitocal binds average 8-12 folds of lipids of its weight.
Vitamin C reduces the Viscosity of chitosan and improves its ability to mix with fat in the GIT.
In addition, vitamin C (AsA) also improves the ability of chitosan to successfully carry fat through the intestine
Gymnema Sylvester competitively inhibits glucose aseptic its receptors in the G.L.T
Chitocal 1st product acts on both lipids and carbohydrate.
Chitocal acts locally so high safety profile .
Chitocal helps the patient to lose an average of 8% of body weight in 4 weeks.
Chitocal doesn’t cause fecal urgency
Chitocal doesn’t cause fatty oily stool.
Chitocal is effective simple and smooth weight loss medication
Chitocal you can see its mechanism of action by your eyes

Chitosan (VHD): 500 mg
Ascorbic acid: 100 mg
Gymnema Sylvestre: 50 mg

For weight loss & Maintenance Of desired weight

Box of 60 Capsule
